Blog Posts


Motorcycle Collision: Effect of an Alleged Obstructed Stop Sign

Steven M. Schorr, PE :::: Synopsis:  A motorcycle was traveling southbound on a two-lane, two-direction roadway approaching a T-type intersection with a four-lane roadway.  The motorcycle operator (plaintiff) failed to…

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Softball Backstop Failed to Meet Industry Standards

Thomas W. Bowler, CPSI :::: Case Synopsis:  Plaintiff was playing in a slow-pitch game. Incident occurred in the evening at approximately 7:15 pm.  The game was under the auspices of…

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Trailer Tailgate Treads: Slip and Fall

Thomas J. Cocchiola, PE  :::: Case Synopsis:  Tractor trailer driver routinely transported loads of mulch in an open top trailer.  On the day of the accident, the driver arrived at…

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Medical Device Injury: Facial Burn During Dental Reconstruction

Ted Milo, B.E.E.E., Medical Device Specialist :::: Key Issues:  Dentist was utilizing a specialized dental cement heat gun to set dental cement that was applied to the plaintiff. Shortly following…

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Experienced Masters Swimmer “Drowns” in Long Course Swimming Pool

Tom Griffiths, Ed.D :::: Synopsis: A well maintained and managed municipal long course “Olympic” pool experienced a traumatic pool death resulting in a law suit.  An experienced and mature lifeguard…

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Engine Control Module Establishes Hours of Service Abuse/Driver Fatigue

R. Scott King, BSME :::: Synopsis: The operator of a commercial tractor-trailer was involved in a serious motor vehicle incident resulting in injuries to the occupants of several passenger vehicles. …

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Collision Reconstruction Concepts (A Series)

Part One: Change in Velocity (delta-V) :::: James R. Schmidt, Jr., BSME Sr. Collision Reconstruction Engineer :::: Change in velocity, also known as delta-V, is a simple concept. It’s just…

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Pedestrian-Vehicle Collision: Could the Driver Have Avoided the Impact?

Steven M. Schorr, PE :::: Case Synopsis: Passenger vehicle was northbound (NB) on a two-lane roadway. The pedestrian was crossing from west to east [the driver’s left to right], in…

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Event Data Recorder (EDR) Sudden Acceleration Case Study

R. Scott King, BSME ::::Case Synopsis: Operator of a late model Ford vehicle was involved in a multi-vehicle incident wherein his vehicle reportedly accelerated suddenly and unexpectedly. Witnesses reported hearing…

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