Skewed Intersections

Example of skewed intersections, image displays skewed intersection in an urban area

Intersections are vital components of road networks, serving as critical points where traffic flows intersect and diverge. However, intersections also account for a large portion of road-safety problems in the…

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Why Do Sidewalks Shift? Uncovering the Root Causes

uneven sidewalk

Sidewalks are an essential part of any urban or suburban landscape, providing safe and convenient walkways for pedestrians to move around the environment. When properly installed, new sidewalks and other…

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Mill & Overlay

Uneven Lane Road Sign

As pavement applications for roadways reach the latter stages of their lifecycle, a “mill and overlay” operation is often utilized to remove a top layer of old asphalt and replace…

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Jack Reilly, A Sufficient Traffic Cone


This year my four-year-old son, Jack, decided to be a traffic cone for Halloween. Despite what some of my family thought, I did not pick out this costume for Jack.…

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Was A Gas Line Explosion Accident Foreseeable?


Johann F. Szautner, PE, Civil Engineering Consultant :::: The Accident: A municipality in Pennsylvania hired a contractor to install a concrete sidewalk, a concrete curb, and to replace stormwater collection…

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OSHA’s Multi-Employer Citation Policy

Walter M. Wysowaty, PE, CME, Civil Engineering Consultant :::: Case Facts: The plaintiff was employed by an environmental consultant who was responsible for work related to the removal of underground…

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