Dr. Justin P. Schorr on Autonomous Cars with Marc Hoag

Dr. Justin Schorr joins Marc Hoag, Dr. Martin Adler (Netherlands), and Dr. Henning Lategahn (Germany) for the Season 3 Finale of Autonomous Cars with Marc Hoag. Their discussion on nearly…

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Was it Road Rage? Can an Engineering Analysis Answer That Question?


Justin P. Schorr, Ph.D, Principal Collision Reconstruction / Transportation Engineer :::: A collision occurred when a school bus moved from the right lane of a limited access highway onto the…

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Update: Autonomous Vehicle Legislation

Autonomous Vehicles

Justin P. Schorr, Ph.D., Collision Reconstruction / Transportation Engineer :::: Recently the United States House of Representatives passed H. R. 3388: "Safely Ensuring Lives Future Deployment and Research In Vehicle…

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On the Speaking Circuit

Justin P. Schorr, Ph.D is scheduled to be a speaker, as well as a panel moderator, for several presentations on Autonomous Vehicle Technology. Dr. Justin Schorr is a post-doctoral researcher…

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